Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Landon

Today is Landon's 3rd birthday. So much has happened to him in these 3 years. It is hard to
fathom that anybody could survive emotionally going through what these children go through, but survive he has. He has grown so much since coming home, both physically and
emotionally. As I watch him day to day I assure Nicole he is just a typical 3 year old boy, testing the limits, getting into things that he never thought of getting into 6 months ago, straying a little further away from mom then he has in the past, exploring the world around him with more and more confidence....and that mischievious grin...his mind never stopping for a second. When Nicole was a child she was a child of a thousand faces....Landon is the same way...he is very expressionistic with facial expressions and body language. He talks up a storm and he has reached the point that we can actually have conversations with him, and he can converse back. Every once in a while he does come out with a bit of "Landonese" which is a combination of baby Manderin, Taiwanese, with a twist of least that is what we think it is....possibly a language of his own.

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